By utilizing recycled shipping containers we drastically reduce the use of manufacturing materials which reduces energy and co2 emissions into our atmosphere in addition, unlike other modular building systems, this type of construction does not require the maintenance as other modular structures require.
This is due to the fact that shipping containers are initially designed and built strong to last much longer than traditional construction by properly transforming the units and r19-r40 insulation, they offer phenomenal energy efficiency and lower heating commerce is accomplished by utilizing shipping containers, which have changed our lives and are now revolutionizing the world of architecture this is a much more sustentable practice making our environment a priority and building with materials that reduce the negative impact and carbon footprint.
By utilizing recycled elements such as shipping containers, we're taking advantage of the materials that are in excess and five them new life and purpose, in the process we also reduce the cost of the manufacturing and build great spaces and products in all prices ranges.